Innocent Until Proven Guilty: The Driver’s Version


Driving is a necessary yet tricky business, especially when it comes to traffic laws and violations. Safe and responsible driving is recommended and promoted to reduce the breach of traffic laws and accidents, so that lives are not at stake because of driving. It is up to all of those who drive to make sure that the roads are safe and the wellbeing of people is maintained. So drivers, here are a few things to keep in mind;

Remain out of Danger

Try your best to keep a clean driving record as the accumulation of demerit points over time and exceeding your demerit limit repeatedly can have serious consequences in the future, as the court can revoke your driver’s licence. It is important to be a good citizen of the country and it is more important to ensure your safety as well as the safety of others while on the road. Adhere to the traffic laws of the state or territory you are driving in and be responsible about your behaviour. Australian road rules have always been strict, but with the increase in traffic violations, these rules are becoming stricter and the court is becoming less lenient with violators who are proven to be guilty. So choose to obey and follow the guidelines when it comes to driving, especially those related to major traffic offences such as speeding, drink driving, drug driving and reckless driving.

Choose to be represented at Court

In the event of being taken to court over the infringement of a traffic law, there are certain things that you need to consider. If it is a major offense such as drug driving, it is best to seek legal advice from Sydney drug lawyers before proceeding to make any statements or facing the court. If you are found to be guilty and/or are planning to plead guilty of the violation you have been accused of, then it is advisable that you consult a professional criminal lawyer with past similar experience to help you with the case.

Solicitors such as drug lawyers will examine your situation and advise you on the best course of action. So it is wise to opt to be represented when you find yourself in such a position.

Know When You Can Appeal

If after you face the Magistrate, the decision of the court is to impose a sentence, you may find that it is unfair. In the instance that you are unhappy with the Magistrate’s decision, you can discuss with your lawyer about your right to appeal the court’s decision. In the case of your license being suspended for a speeding appeal, for example, you may appeal the magistrate’s decision provided that the conditions for appealing are met. You should consult your lawyer to understand what type of sentences can be appealed. Your appeal may result in a positive outcome in your favour if the court finds that you have very little demerit points or that your track record is considerably clean.